Cactus printing women show elegant and witty artistic sense

Cactus print series presents a sense of elegance and witty contemporary art, illusion of the blue to break the tranquil character, pink fairy crashed into the blue, which is probably the hearts of designers in full bloom soft and powerful flowers look like.

仙人掌印花系列女装 呈现优雅且诙谐的艺术感

New item1 # Cactus printing sand washed silk sleeveless dress #

Sleeveless design straightforward with a variety of jackets or knitwear, elastic waist pleated shinier, both sides of the pockets to be more handsome at any time you.

仙人掌印花系列女装 呈现优雅且诙谐的艺术感

New item2 # Cactus printed silk shirt #

Silk comfort is the summer's most lovable fabric, original printing printed on dark, romantic and elegant both thin anti-penetration effect.

仙人掌印花系列女装 呈现优雅且诙谐的艺术感

New item 3 # Cactus printing straight sand washed silk trousers #

This series for urban women in OL provides the most graceful and unconventional fashion dress, suit suit and pants recommended.

Flame Retardant Fabric

Flame Retardant Fabric,Flame Retardant Multi-Function Fabric,Fire Retardant Fabric,Fr Coating Fabric

Wujiang Bonheur Special Textile Co.,Ltd. ,