What color underwear to wear white pants What color underwear to wear light underwear

Summer is easy to encounter some embarrassing things, that is, for example, you wear a light-colored pants, wearing a bright color underwear, I did not feel, it touches on the other people seems underwear color is very obvious, some people like to buy online, usually wear Are more profound, one day you want to try the light color of the style, but can not see the kind, buy it back to find very thin, so this time may not even be able to help you underwear, to rely on underwear, underwear Choose, so usually do not buy some dark or bright underwear, if Mayfair underwear light-colored underwear style.


If the Mayfair women teach you how to choose the light-colored pants with underwear, white pants or white skirt and then thick will be through, so they have to consciously prepare a nude-colored underwear, nude color and then Plus a white leggings so that will not be embarrassed, this coup is definitely worth a try Oh.

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Do not want to buy their own ladies loaded into the bottom of things, then quickly prepare a nude color or color of the underwear, do not let embarrassment continue to consciously choose to wear a little low-key underwear color, if Mayfair underwear Nude color underwear style Bra style also let you go anti-light Oh. If you think you can not wear white pants, then you're wrong, maybe someday you bought it?

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