What brand of underwear to join? Beauty poetry underwear highly respected

With the continuous prosperity and development of China's economy, there have been many new industries. Although underwear is what we now need, but the underwear monopoly in China is very short time. At present, with people's concern for their own health, not only for the quality requirements of underwear, for the design sense, fashion sense also put forward higher requirements. At present, joining the brand underwear has also become a way many entrepreneurs choose, because the industry is not the so-called business season, but also in many industries, the risk is relatively small, so choose to start a business , into the underwear to join the industry is still relatively reliable. If we choose to join the underwear industry, we need to be prepared in the early stages : First, we must have a certain amount of venture capital, venture capital is currently underwear industry in terms of about 60,000 to 100,000 yuan, which for the average entrepreneur is still relatively easy. Second , since it is a brand franchise, we should have our own shop. The location of the shop is very important. Therefore, we should consider it best for all parties. The area is about 20 square meters. Third , the choice of brand, brand choice is definitely to find the market influence is better, while the product itself has a huge advantage. Currently joining the brand underwear in this area, beauty poetry has become a landmark brand, First, because the franchise fee completely free of charge, while providing professional support and counseling, franchise staff a month for one-on-one guidance in the delivery, supply and other aspects of the provision of a full range of protection, even if Is your first business shop , with the help of the brand shop also be able to successfully open the market and win the attention of more consumer groups. The current choice of business must pay attention to the cost of shop , if it is inexperienced, too much investment, the return may not be guaranteed, while the underwear industry has no off-season, the product is not like the food industry has not expired, if there is quality problems, Poetry, such as brand franchisees will provide unconditional return, start-up costs are relatively low, under normal circumstances in about 8 months to recover the cost, which for many small-scale entrepreneurs very attractive. In short, the beauty of poetry in the underwear brand joined the industry have some advantages, the current choice of this brand to join the shop, can successfully achieve the shop, and quickly get the market returns, the future with the underwear industry, the industry's profits Space will gradually become larger.